
地址:2800 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314

The President’s Volunteer Service Award Regulations

华夏中文学校史泰登岛分校 “总统义工奖”(President’s Volunteer Service Award) 评审章程华夏中文学校史泰登岛分校(本校)已被正式授权为可以为志愿者验证义工服务时间并颁发美国“总统义 工奖” 的机构。(有关该奖详细信息请登陆其官方网站 www.presidentialserviceawards.gov )。 该活动致力于鼓励人们,特别是年轻一代踊跃 为社区义务服务,共同创造美好的学习,工作和生活环境。


  • 本校在读五岁以上的学生和成年志愿者 (系美国公民或绿卡持有者)皆可申请。
  • 评审工作每年进行一次, 秋季开学开始申请, 报名十月底截止。
  • 本校对每个报名的志 愿者建立档案并跟踪该志愿者在一年内的服务时间。
  • 本校在次年九月份完成审核。
  • 如报名的志愿者在 12 个月内达到以下要求的服务时间,本校将应本人要求为该自愿者申请相应的总统义工奖。
  • 本校的总统义工奖年度从9月1日至次年8月31日。 申请人在申请年度内至少有三分之二的出勤时间或者 40小时是为本校工作, 每次其在校服务时间以本校官方记录为准。
  • 对于在本校以外的义务服务时间,申请人需提供相应的有志愿活动组织人员或负责人员签名的证明文件。
  • 本校社区义务服务活动包括:
    • 参与教学:所有不拿薪水的教学,其上课时间可记入社区义务服务活动时间
    • 助教:所有不拿薪水的助教可认为参与本校社区义务服务活动。其助课时间可记入社区义务服务活动时间
    • 凡参加本校春节联欢、毕业典礼、才艺表演和社区活动(如华夏田径和智力运动会、 华夏辩论赛等)演出或服务,其时间可记入社区义务服务活动时间。
    • 学校支教活动:凡参加本校支教或相关活动,如募捐、义卖、其时间可记入社区义务服务活动时间。
  • 本校将在年终大会对获奖者进行表彰,并授予证书和奖章。

The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) RegulationWe are excited to announce that Huaxia Chinese School Staten Island Branch (HXCS-SI) is now a PVSA certified organization. As a certified organization, HXCS-SI is authorized to issue PVSA award to volunteers who meet certain volunteer services.

What is the PVSA?

The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is an initiative of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and is administered by Points of Light. Through a shared mission of inspiring more to answer the call to service, the President’s Volunteer Service Award celebrates the impact we can all make in bettering our communities and our world.


Individuals, families and groups that meet the criteria are eligible for the PVSA.

  • Recipient(s) must be a United States citizen or a lawfully admitted permanent resident of the United States.
  • Awards are issued for service hours served within a 12-month time period or over the course of a lifetime.
  • Awards are issued for volunteer service only; additional levels of participation with the organization (i.e., charitable support) are not a factor considered for the award.
  • Court-ordered community service does not qualify for the award.
  • Awards are issued by approved Certifying Organizations.
  • Service must be with an approved Certifying Organization that is legally established in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or one of the U.S. territories.


Hours are measured over a 12-month period and awards are designated based on cumulative hours. The awards are offered in multiple levels and are designed to recognize each milestone of your service achievement. Levels include bronze, silver, gold and the highest honor, the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award for those who contribute more than 4,000 hours of service in their lifetime.

If you want to be a HXCS-SI nominated PVSA volunteer member or have a question, please contact Vice Principal Kenneth Bo: ybo@huaxiasi.org

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地址 | Address: College of Staten Island, 2800 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314

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Sandy Liang
Michelle Zhou
Brenda Jiang